Friday 23 October 2015


If your property is located at a place where the cold winds, snow and ice play a monstrous role then start preparing it for the upcoming colder season from today. Starting a little early to work at the wear and tear of your property will save you a lot of money rather than handling the situation when it goes out of your hand in the cold shivery winters.

So here are some pointers for you to help prepare your rental property for the coming winter season:
·         EMERGENCY KIT: October is the perfect month to prepare yourself for the winter maintenance. It is always a better idea to keep an emergency kit before you start the actual repair work. Important tools like shovel, fire extinguishers, flash lights, batteries, and duct tape are some if the tools that should be a part of your kit. Stocking up on a plenty of rock salt is always helpful.
Put this emergency kit in your rental property for your tenants.
·         INSPECTION: Changing weather brings a lot of changes to your property too. A lot of wear and tear is caused due to the climate hence it is always essential to do a property inspection at least twice a year to check for faulty ducts or vents, replace filters, and look at the plumbing and smoke detectors. You can either do it yourself or get a professional help to do so.
·         CLEAN THE GUTTERS: Clogged rain gutters will block the water drain from the roof; damaging the roof so it is wise to clean the gutters before fall sets in. Clear out the leaves, sticks or any other blockage.
·         TRIM BRANCHES: Many a times thin and long branches cannot bear the weight of the heavy snow on it ultimately making them break and fall down with the snow on your property which will ultimately block your driveway or damage your property as well.
·         INSULATE DOORS AND WINDOWS: Check for the areas where heat can escape, a simple trick to do so is by lighting a candle and moving it slowly around gaps and cracks. Also check the areas where the window meets its frame. When you see the flame start flickering, you’ll know there is a problem. Check it out, and if you need to make a repair, now’s the time. It will lower your tenant’s energy bill but also reduce the chance of damage to the property.

A rental property needs winter maintenance essentially. It is not only cost effective because you repair the damage before it becomes big but also this increases the life span of your property.
Your property is the biggest asset you have. It brings you rental income monthly on a regular basis hence if you take care of it; your property will take care of you. No one would like to  lease out your property if it is full of problems.

 Editor: Neha Charan

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